Rare Disease Day assembly - Social, Moral
St John's School 'Swap'
Pupil Questionnaire - Moral, Social, Cultural
Medical desensitisation sessions
Voting to name the school therapy pet - Moral, Social, Cultural
Red Nose Day- Moral, Spiritual, Social
Red Nose Day 2023
Safeguarding assembly - Moral, Social
Manchester University
Rest in Peace Queen Elizabeth II
Rose Queen 2022 - British Values
Global Recycling Day - Spiritual, Moral, Social & Cultural
Sensory Garden New Build - Spiritual, Moral, Social, Cultural
New Build
World Book Day 2021 - Social & Cultural
Arts week 2021 - Social & Cultural
Chinese New Year- Spiritual, Cultural and Social Development
Comic Relief 2021 - Spritual, Moral, Social & Cultural
New building-work in progress - Social & Cultural
Reindeer Rush- Raising money for East Cheshire Hospice- Moral and Social Development
Arts Week 8th February 2021 - Spritual, Moral, Social & Cultural
Macmillan Coffee Morning - Social, moral & Cultural
Snack Cafe - Social, Cultural
Visit to a local charity shop - Social, Spiritual and Moral