EYFS at Park Lane has two classes, Silk and Forest. Both follow the EYFS statement of intent and the EYFS curriculum, themed around the whole school termly topics.

Forest class is taught by Chelsie Osbaldiston, and Silk class is taught by myself, Claire Noonan. I am also EYFS lead.

Our contact details -

In EYFS we enjoy weekly swim sessions, trips to the local park, soft play sessions and music therapy.

We go on termly trips in the local community related to our topics. These have included Farm Discovery trips, Chester Zoo and the Christmas Tree Festival.

We are lucky to have a strong link with our local TESCO community support worker, who visits once a term to provide a themed food exploration afternoon.

Before starting at Park Lane our pupils benefit from a well established transition process, which involves visits to the child's nursery to meet the child, their family and key worker staff.

We also offer four after school 'stay and play' sessions, in the half term before their start date. If individual pupils require more transition visits to the school this can be arranged.

Once a member of the school community we offer families support and training around behaviour, health and becoming effective communication partners.

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Any questions please feel free to email me - [email protected]