Welcome to the Challenge website area.
Challenge- Helping our young people to investigate and interact with the world around them.
Challenge is a skills-based subject area that combines Science, ICT and Design & Technology. Challenge is taught weekly from Key Stage 2 to Key Stage 3, and different areas of Challenge are covered by Early Years Development Matters (Understanding the World & Expressive Arts and Design) in EYFS, and ASDAN in Key Stage 4. Like other foundation subjects, Challenge follows a thematic approach, which offers exciting opportunities for pupils to explore, create and investigate.
Design & Technology
This subject area focuses on building pupils' skills in interacting with different materials, tools and equipment. Design & Technology helps pupils to build their confidence in planning, designing and making activities. These activities can include cooking and baking, making practical items and evaluating different products. In Autumn term 2024 pupils have prepared healthy sandwiches, made paper mache police hats and used melted chocolate to make boo-nanas. Design & technology activities are fun and interactive, and help our young people to gain more independence in every day tasks.