Jeans for Genes Day Assembly- Spiritual and Moral.
Lesson: British Values
Class: Y7-Y9 Arighi Year: 2019 - 2020
Charity, Creativity & Care. On Friday 20th September Arighi class held an assembly to celebrate and raise funds for Jeans for Genes day.
Students and staff had all paid £1 to wear their jeans to school to raise money for the charity Genetic Disorders UK. The money raised goes towards information, support and resources for people with life-altering genetic disorders.
Earlier in the week we had asked each class to make something out of an old pair of jeans. Students brought their beautiful creations to Assembly to share with the whole school. Students had worked together and individually to make headbands, bunting, handbags, coasters, pen holders and aprons.
We watched a short film clip, took part in the school prayer, celebrated some outstanding achievements of individual students and finished by dancing and signing along to "Jeans on "