Community Visits to the library - Spiritual, Moral, Social & Cultural
Lesson: Learning Outside the Classroom
Class: Y12-Y14 6th Form 1 Year: 2019 - 2020
Enjoyment, Self-confidence, Community, Respect, Social Skills, Behaviour, Literature, Enrichment & Attitudes
We all enjoy going out in our local community and visiting the library. We like looking through books and choosing the ones we want to borrow. We know how to use the library appropriately and all demonstrate excellent behaviour when we are there. We are very confident when selecting and scanning the books we want to borrow. We show great respect for the books and for other people using the library at the same time we are there. We all enjoy sharing books with staff or each other and sit together, looking through books and commenting on each other's choices. We also select books linked to activities we are doing at school so we can use them for information and enjoyment.