Corona virus information 19/03/20

Dear Parents and Carers,

Following yesterday’s announcement by the Secretary of State for Education a decision has been made with the chair of Governors to keep the school open for the foreseeable future. However it has been agreed that this will be on a reduced timetable basis and school will operate from 8.50am-1.00pm each day, Monday-Friday, until the 3rd of April when we will break up for the Easter holidays unless we are instructed to do otherwise by the Government.

This decision has been made to enable the staff to deep clean the classroom daily and to reduce the staffing pressures over lunchtime as staff will have their lunchbreak after the pupils have gone home. This ensures we will have sufficient staff to safeguard the children during the time they are in school even though we will have a reduced work force due to some staff needing to self-isolate. All pupils will receive a school dinner if they would normally have a school dinner and transport is being organised for those who are eligible for local authority transport. This arrangement will be reviewed on a daily basis and will be dependent upon sufficient staff being available to safely manage those children attending. If at any point we need to close you will be advised accordingly.

Macclesfield College is closed until further notice from tomorrow. Our sixth form pupils will therefore come up to Park Lane School and will be based here until further notice.

Please can I remind you that if your child has a temperature of 37.7 or above and/or has a new persistent cough they should not come into school but should self-isolate for 14 days. This is following guidance from Public Health England.

Thank you for your understanding and patience in what is a very fluid situation at the moment.