YR-Y2- Jodrell 2024 - 2025
Teacher - Lucy |
Teaching Assistant - Anna |
Teaching Assistant - Sam |
Teaching Assistant - Stacey |
Teaching Assistant - Steph |
Teaching Assistant - Georgia |
Welcome to Jodrell Class!
This term, our topic is all about 'How Things Work' and we will be focusing on challenge in science and DT linked to the human body and the five senses. We will be doing lots of activities linked to our senses and the body including learning the different names of our body parts, exploring our senses through sensory activities, learning how to brush our teeth, what hygeine is and learning to wash our hands, healthy eating and finally talk about toileting.
Our stories this term will be linked to our learning and every two weeks we will use a new book linked to a new topic. We will learn through our senses and have fun!
Our books this have term are:
Hello World! My Body
Alan's Big Scary Teeth
Wash Your Hands, Mr Panda
Oliver's Vegetables
My Five Senses
I Really, Really Need A Wee
In maths, our learning for this term is all about shapes. We will be focusing on 2D shapes to start with and then slowly moving into 3D shapes.
Our art is all about puppets - we will be exploring different puppets and then making our own. Our artist focus is Jim Henson - he designed and made all of the Muppets.
Our music is all about body percussion and using our bodies to create different sounds.
We will be continuing our learning using and our focus is on 'celebrating our character traits'. In PE is usually in blocks of 3 weeks.
Block 1: Bat and Ball
Block 2: Circuits
Block 3: Gymnastics
Block 4: Orienteering
In community, we will be looking at many different topics. We will start off by celebrating differences, in particular celebrating World Religion Day with a focus on peace and unity.
We will be looking at Chinese New Year, a geography focus on 'where we live', a history focus of 'old and new homes', the Jewish festival of Purim, the Hindu festival of Holi, food banks and finally the Easter story.
Please check Facebook for all of the pictures of our learning. This is usually updated at least twice a week.